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49 Search Results Found
1 Forum: Marketplace «» Posted on: Tue, 20 March 2018 05:45 «» By: Michel Cadot
Re: McDP: like expdp/impdp Data Pump programs and much more
… New version (2018.03.20) with the following modifications: Fix bugs in ALTER/MODIFY command introduced in previous version with the "step/ABORT_STEP" option GRANTS parameter of USER command now support "+" as delimiter in addition …
2 Forum: Weblogic & Application Server «» Posted on: Mon, 05 December 2016 04:34 «» By: calacausi
Oracle App. Server 10g. error when accessing file on a remote server
…hi, i need my Forms application access files stored in a remote server. I checked that \\OASServer and \\RemoteServer computers are in the same domain, and the remote directory \\RemoteServer\temp is shared and has full control rights assigned to '…
3 Forum: Reports & Discoverer «» Posted on: Sun, 04 December 2016 02:31 «» By: iam78
discoverer 11g configuration fails
…have installed weblogic 10.3.6 and discoverer and discoverer patchset, in the step of configuration of instance when create managed server wls_disco it take a huge time and last it give me error!!! i read all forums withe same …
4 Forum: Windows «» Posted on: Wed, 06 May 2015 23:16 «» By: dark_prince
Re: How to Insert / Retrieve data in Marathi / Hindi font
…guys. I drop the database. And now for creating new database I found script, I thought before running it i should show that to you guys. REM ASSUMPTIONS rem oracle xe has been installed rem oracle_home has been set rem oracle_sid has been set …
5 Forum: Server Administration «» Posted on: Thu, 28 August 2014 14:17 «» By: dstolf
Some operations on large tables on dNFS Clone failing with ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication c
…is a though one, with many variables, so bear with me. I have created two databases using Oracle dNFS clone. The backup image is stored on ASM and both clones are stored on NFS and use the same backup image. It's a plain simple single instance …
6 Forum: Performance Tuning «» Posted on: Thu, 17 October 2013 09:57 «» By: hesaigo999ca
Re: Help with 12c vs 10.2g
…all for being patient and lots of suggestions... Here so far is extra info as well as the progress I have made so far. Info... Roachcoach:I do know what the jobs are doing, the sql is the same in both cases, hence why I consider this to be simple and…
7 Forum: Performance Tuning «» Posted on: Wed, 17 October 2012 16:58 «» By: segan1415
Re: NOLOGGING in Oracle 11gr2
…is reports for DIRECT PATH insert. My observations: *REDO size reduced by two orders of magnitude, not surprising *Essentially everything in the Load Profile is reduced by an order of magnitude or more on a per transaction *On a per second basis much …
8 Forum: Performance Tuning «» Posted on: Wed, 17 October 2012 15:15 «» By: segan1415
Re: NOLOGGING in Oracle 11gr2
…have changed sequence cache to 100,000 per your recommendation. This change chops about .4ms from my elapsed time per execution. The first two reports (907-908) were run at the same load volume as all my previous reports, then I decided to run my load …
9 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Mon, 10 September 2012 07:16 «» By: kashifchughtai
Re: selecting clob value over dblink
…cannot do any change on remote database. i read on a blog tht it is possible using the global temp table. something like given below: create global temporary table LocalTempTableWithClob (myid number, myclob clob) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS; …
10 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Thu, 06 September 2012 10:24 «» By: Michel Cadot
Re: Remote Pipeline or Remote sys_refcursor
… No, it's me, I was not clear, I was going back to your initial question and ask if you can't from your application open a connection to the other (remote) database and directly get the result from it instead of getting through a db link. For your …
11 Forum: Backup & Recovery «» Posted on: Tue, 31 July 2012 14:37 «» By: drumboy
Re: Flash Recovery ->SYSTEM.DBF
…Jul 31 19:01:57 2012 Starting ORACLE instance (normal) Tue Jul 31 19:02:20 2012 alter database open resetlogs ORA-1194 signalled during: alter database open resetlogs... Tue Jul 31 20:38:30 2012 Shutting down instance (immediate) Shutting down …
12 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Wed, 08 February 2012 01:03 «» By: aallan
Re: Attache external file using UTL_SMTP package
…Amit; I user this procedure but i have a problem with the attached file, it as arrive in the sent email but attached file has a wrong data!! if you can solve it i will appreciate that. Create Or Replace Procedure Sale.Html_Email_With_Attach( …
13 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Mon, 06 February 2012 07:42 «» By: aallan
Re: Create HTML table problem in email
…you... i searched and found this code: Create Or Replace Procedure Sale.Html_Email_With_Attach( P_To In Varchar2, P_Cc In Varchar2 Default Null, P_Bcc In Varchar2 Default Null, P_From In …
14 Forum: Server Administration «» Posted on: Wed, 01 February 2012 00:32 «» By: x-oracle
Re: ora 01092 oracle instance terminated
…i am sending you a complite steps of how can we create a manul database you just read it and just change the path and name of the database as you want first 1. Decide the name of New database 2. ORACLE_SID=ORA10G... (set into Env variable ) 3…
15 Forum: Networking and Gateways «» Posted on: Wed, 25 January 2012 21:31 «» By: reym21
…day! Please help me to connect Oracle 10g (connecting dB) to Oracle 7.3.4 (remote dB) via dblink (both in DEV environment). I encounter these errors everytime I attempted to, re: ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist…
16 Forum: Server Administration «» Posted on: Mon, 19 December 2011 23:20 «» By: Bilal Khan
…all. i wana create database in oracle 10g, but it display error mesage. i follow following steps C:\SET ORACLE_SID = ALI THEN CREATE PASSWORD FILE,AND STARTUP THE PFILE, THEN RUN FOLLOWING CODE TO CREATE THE DATABASE. CREATE DATABASE ali …
17 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Mon, 14 November 2011 12:10 «» By: tuchubby
Querying through dynamic database links using DBMS_SQL
…is my first post here, please forgive me for anything that I missed. I am using SQL Developer. I am self-teaching myself PL/SQL. What I am trying accomplish is to run a select query across many database links at runtime and to insert that query onto a …
18 Forum: Linux «» Posted on: Sat, 24 September 2011 14:56 «» By: JiXO
Re: Enterprise Manager error
…is the content of alert_orcl.log Thu Sep 22 17:17:33 2011 Starting ORACLE instance (normal) LICENSE_MAX_SESSION = 0 LICENSE_SESSIONS_WARNING = 0 Shared memory segment for instance monitoring created Picked latch-free SCN scheme 2 Using …
19 Forum: Server Utilities «» Posted on: Tue, 02 August 2011 05:28 «» By: dkdms2124
Re: Clone Database user
…I run the Batch file, I got below mentioned error: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create a new schema/user like an existing schema/user. Defaults are shown between brackets…
20 Forum: Server Administration «» Posted on: Wed, 04 May 2011 01:13 «» By: Michel Cadot
Re: database in mount mode
21 Forum: Server Administration «» Posted on: Wed, 23 February 2011 08:43 «» By: vik28
Migrating Oracle 9i to 10g
…Gurus, I'm trying to migrate an Oracle Enterprise Server database v9. deployed on Windows 2000 Server 32-bit to v10. on Windows 2008 R2 64-bit. Basically, I'm following instructions provided by this document: h**p://…
22 Forum: Business Intelligence «» Posted on: Fri, 31 December 2010 00:20 «» By: swapna053
Re: not able to install obiee completely
…Hello, RCU issue i resolved now the error occurs only in configuration Step. Its runs for an hour and shows failed at end Step 11.Create domain step. In the log i am getting this error. The Inventory log i checked at C:\Program Files\Oracle\…
23 Forum: Server Administration «» Posted on: Mon, 27 December 2010 04:34 «» By: debakor
…i want to create manual database its give the error message ORA-01092 Here i give the create database command and my parameter file. SQL> create database dba16 2 MAXLOGFILES 5 3 MAXLOGMEMBERS 5 4 …
24 Forum: Backup & Recovery «» Posted on: Tue, 28 September 2010 10:10 «» By: sojus
Re: reinstall oracle server using existing d:\oracle\product,,
…to explain my situation, i was asked by someone who accidently changed the partiton table on a db server to get back their data. after doing this the next question was to reinstall the db server... regarding the install: version/os: oracle …
25 Forum: Data Guard «» Posted on: Tue, 21 September 2010 03:27 «» By: artisteprasanna
ORA-01154: database busy. Error in Creating Physical StandBy Database in the same Server
…All, I am trying to create the Physical StandBy Database in the same server. Till last 2 Final steps, everything went on well. In the final steps, when I try to open the StandBy Database, it throws the following Error…
26 Forum: Linux «» Posted on: Fri, 03 July 2009 06:04 «» By: dragos
Installing 11g Enterprise on Ubuntu Server 8.04 LTS 64 bit
…Hello, I am having troubles installing Oracle 11g Enterprise on our new server. I installed a fresh Ubuntu Server 8.04 LTS then applied xorg and gnome desktop(users work remote on the system using NX). Now I am trying to install Oracle, I have …
27 Forum: Weblogic & Application Server «» Posted on: Mon, 23 February 2009 10:55 «» By: agarrigues
Re: Error FRM-41838 when running forms
…got the same error message which was solved by changing default TEMP directories used in different xml config files : Oracle IAS was installed using a Microsoft Remote Desktop and the TEMP environment variable that points to a temporary directory that…
28 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Fri, 13 February 2009 03:25 «» By: deepbans
Re: Performance issue while runningthe query
…Dr.Raghunathan, Here we are accessing each table remotely and each table contain huge number of records. The original query is even too long.I have break the query and have created a temporary physical table(not global temp table) on my local …
29 Forum: Server Administration «» Posted on: Fri, 29 August 2008 22:40 «» By: BlackSwan
Re: ORA-01652, ORA-02063
… Please read & FOLLOW the Posting Guidelines as stated in URL above 02063, 00000, "preceding %s%s from %s%s" // *Cause: an Oracle error was received from a remote database link. // *Action: refer…
30 Forum: Server Administration «» Posted on: Fri, 29 August 2008 22:33 «» By: suiren97
ORA-01652, ORA-02063
…error shows in alert log. ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEMP ORA-02063: preceding line from ABC Query select using dblink. The uable to extend temp segment is occur in local db (9i) or the remote db (10g)? Kindly …
31 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2008 01:27 «» By: sdhanuka
Re: Tablespace monitoring
…the spooling report code is set arraysize 1 set heading on set feedback off set verify off set linesize 150 set pages 9999 set echo off set term off feed off trimspool on RECSEP off set markup html on spool on entmap off preformat off …
32 Forum: Performance Tuning «» Posted on: Thu, 13 March 2008 11:34 «» By: faiz_hyd
Waits During Inserts .
…Hi, We are seeing some waits for this insert Statement. This table and Blob is in a different Tablespace seperated from rest of table/Indexes of the APP. All these below waits were for 10-60 secs time, This is a Image table where we store images, …
33 Forum: Server Administration «» Posted on: Wed, 13 December 2006 03:27 «» By: gsgill76
ORA-04052: error occurred when looking up remote object REPADMIN.SYS@DB
…Hi, Basically I want to setup Replication between two servers, 'ZEN2K7' & 'DB' (Advanced master-to-master replication, Sync). This is what i had done so far. At Server 'ZEN2K7' CONNECT system/manager@ZEN2K7 CREATE USER repadmin IDENTIFIED BY …
34 Forum: Networking and Gateways «» Posted on: Mon, 15 May 2006 15:26 «» By: nmacdannald
Re: Application Connection Error
…links. Okay, here is the deal. I just spent two days reading about something that a person can explain in two minutes. 1) Make sure your tnsnames.ora have the same correct entries on both local and remote databases. then lsnrctl reload 2) …
35 Forum: Training & Certification «» Posted on: Sat, 21 May 2005 00:36 «» By: reshma_1226
Re: Urgent- Need Some DBA Interview Questions
36 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Fri, 11 March 2005 03:08 «» By: Ken Jones
Re: Cursor Loop
…Todd, thanks!! The reason I am crating this script is that the siebel application user wants it creating due to users being deleted etc in the past. This was, he has a create user script for each node stored on the server. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE …
37 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Thu, 10 March 2005 05:57 «» By: Ken Jones
Re: Cursor Loop
…Todd, sorry for being a pain in the derriere but I have another question. I have created a directory on the filesystem and would like to write the above output into a file there. BUT I do not know how to reference what I need to write - see below:- …
38 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Thu, 24 February 2005 13:49 «» By: Todd Barry
Re: Cursor Loop
…is not tested, but it seems you would want something like (exception handling not shown): declare v_rc sys_refcursor; v_user dba_users%rowtype; begin for rec_node in (select node_tns from orcladmin.node_tns) loop open v_rc for '…
39 Forum: Replication «» Posted on: Tue, 02 November 2004 03:37 «» By: vx
Materialized Views
…<DIV id=intelliTxt style="PADDING-RIGHT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px">Hi Guys Im having problems setting up Oracle Replication. Im trying to add  a Master Site and a Materialized view from a site. Can some one PLEAAAAAAAASE help me. Im using o…
40 Forum: Networking and Gateways «» Posted on: Mon, 09 February 2004 23:58 «» By: Etienne LAUR
Intermittent 0313 error
…Have an VB6 application running with Oracle 8 Database. This application works fine on the LAN, but there are intermittent 03113 errors when trying remote connexions. Server : W2K;Oracle8 Client : W98,WXP tnsnames.ora: BACMRE01.CA12 =   (DESCRIPTION …
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